What if

It's a simple game. 
But there are a few rules to it. (3 to be precise)
  1. Play it as often as you can. Tag others along so they can learn to be on their feet too.
  2. Try to make it as realistic as possible
  3. Assess, evaluate, and make plans to improve afterward. Work on that plan

Here's how it goes:
Pick a situation, any situation. Visualize, what can go wrong, what can go right. From there, simulate how it can go from bad to worst. It can always get worse. It can and at times it will. So it's best to prep your mind from now. Even just a tiny bit. The takeaway is, if it happens, you won't be as shocked. So that when others panic, you're able to stay calm and ahead. When others are nose-level deep drowning, you're just above chest line, drowning, but still seeing it from a better perspective with a plan ahead.

Pick a partner, better yet a team, a community. Visualize, the worse the better. Then plan from there.
Plan what are the actions needed to be taken, what are the pieces of equipment needed to accomplish the task, who are the contacts, where are the checkpoints, the RV point, when and what if things go south from there? Plan A, B, C. Make plans, as many as you can, as many as it needs.

Then evaluate your current situation. Are you fit for the tasking? Do you have the tools and equipments at hand? How long will it be until you're fully optimized for the operation? For the job?

Work on that plan.