Drown the noise
Our minds are sometimes filled with too much noise and distraction, that there is little room left if any for us to think on our own.
Think. Go somewhere far, silent from the noises. Take a deep breath, focus on nothing but the breath. Train your mind to focus on one thing at a time. It works better that way. Then think. Think on your own. Teach the mind to think on its own, if there are no guides, make one, teach the mind to be brave and explore the ideas, the concepts, the thought that you have. Be brave enough to be able to wander in your own thoughts, let go of the fear of being lost.
The body is thrilled by uncertainty but the mind craves calm and peace.
Think. Don't just accept everything that is fed. Question things. Why is it done this way? Why not? What other way or method? How? Is there a better way around? What can be done better? How do you improve the situation? Question things. Ask questions. Embrace silence at times but don't just be silent. Let the mind roar with questions. Ask and seek the answer. Just because one has authority doesn't mean one is in the right. And just because the majority says so, doesn't mean they are right.
Teach the mind to wander. Teach your soul to be brave enough to walk the path least walked by others. The path of thinking. Not blindly accepting or following, but thinking. Many have thoughts, but few have thoughts of their own as they rarely think. Stray away from the word of others, the opinions, and wake your own mind. Wander far from interaction and let your own thoughts come out and roam. Just your mind, on its own. Then you'll know what your real stand is.
Find time to really ask question and find the answer
let it be truly and honestly be from within, not because you're following someone or some trend
Read, learn, ask, do, do as much of these as you can
then think
The mind is hungry for knowledge, it feeds on learning but it craves to think. The mind loves to think. Try and you'll soon realize why it is so addictive.
Nothing fills the mind more like thinking does.